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Junior Player Development Programs
2025 Season Sign Up OPENS March 1st!

PGA Junior League Open Soon

Our Primary teaching focus may center around golf skills.  Your child will come away with much more than that.  Golf inherently imparts virtues like Honesty, Integrity, friendship, Manners, Determination, Perseverance and Motor skills.  Our mission is to teach the game of golf in a way that is fun and exciting for all participants.

Anchor 1

PGA Jr. League (13 & under)

PGA Junior League Golf (PGA JLG) is designed to bring a “Little League” atmosphere to the game of golf.  As a developmental program, PGA Junior League offers children ages 13 & under the opportunity to experience golf competition in a fun, low pressure, team environment.  For the spring season, practices will begin in May and our matches will start in June with the regular season ending by July 31st.  The league payment includes up to eight team practices, 4-6 matches, pre-season round-up, junior practice & play card, team jersey, range balls, bag tag, and end of the season celebration.  The fee for the spring season is $449.

Registration is Closed
Anchor 2

Friday Junior Fun Days


Friday mornings from 9am to 10:30

Free range balls, practice putting and chipping have fun playing Games.

Our Coaches will be on hand to help you with your game.

Tiny Tees SNAG (4-6 yrs)


Children ages 4-6 are welcome to attend these fun sessions that will introduce them to the game of golf in a fun and safe environment.  We will use SNAG golf equipment to teach the children proper golf swing fundamentals and how to play the game.  These clinics will also include fun games that will teach the children etiquette, rules, and scoring of the game. Classes will be held once per week for 4 weeks.  

Tiny Tees ADVANCED (4-6 yrs)

Anchor 3

Tiny Tees SNAG classes or camp must be completed to be eligible to register for Tiny Tees Advanced.

Children ages 4-6 are welcome to attend these fun sessions that will introduce them to the game of golf in a fun and safe environment.  We will use actual golf equipment to continue to teach the children proper golf swing fundamentals and how to play the game.  These clinics will also include fun games that will teach the children etiquette, rules, and scoring of the game. Classes will be held once per week for 4 weeks.  

Camp - Tiny Tees SNAG (4-6 yrs)


Children ages 4-6 are welcome to attend these fun sessions that will introduce them to the game of golf in a fun and safe environment.  We will use SNAG golf equipment to teach the children proper golf swing fundamentals and how to play the game.  These camps will also include fun games that will teach the children etiquette, rules, and scoring of the game. 


Camps run Monday - Thursday.


Camp - Tiny Tees Advanced (4-6 yrs)

Anchor 4

Tiny Tees SNAG classes, camp or private lesson with a Cherry Creek Professional must be completed to be eligible to register for Tiny Tee Advanced Camp

Designed for children ages 4-6.  We will use actual golf equipment to continue to develop the skills they learned in SNAG- Tiny Tees. Camp will include fun games that will teach the children etiquette, rules and scoring of the game.

Classes run Monday – Thursday

Junior Golf 101 (7-10 yrs)

Children ages 7-10 are welcome to attend these specifically tailored junior classes.  These sessions are for junior golfers who are new to golf, have graduated from our Tiny Tees programs or who have played before and want to brush up on the basics.  In this (5) 1-Hour class series students will not only learn the basic swing, but also core fundaments including rules etiquette, scoring and course management.  To have them become a confident and ethical golfer.

Junior Golf Elite (11-15 yrs)

Anchor 5

This Program is specifically tailored to junior golfers who are looking to make their High School Golf Team or to elevate their game to the next level.  In this (5) 1- hour comprehensive class series students will work on maturing their game to a competitive and fun level. Rules, etiquette, scoring, and course management will be introduced.

Camp - Junior Golf 101 (7-10 yrs)

This camp is specifically tailored to junior golfers who are new to golf, have graduated from out Tiny Tees programs or who have played before and want to brush up on the basics.  In this 4-day camp series, students will not only learn how to play the game but also further their education on Rules, etiquette, and basic course management.

Camp - Junior Golf 201 (11-15 yrs)

Anchor 6

This Program is specifically tailored to junior golfers who are looking to make their High School Golf Team or to elevate their game to the next level.  In this camp students will work on maturing their game to a competitive and fun level. Rules, etiquette, scoring, and course management will be further discussed.

Girls Golf - 101

Provides a girl friendly environment emphasizing fundamentals of golf in a fun and exciting manner.

Girls ages 7-15 are welcome to attend these specifically tailored junior classes.  These sessions are for junior golfers who are new to golf, have graduated from our Tiny Tees programs or who have played before and want to brush up on the basics.  In this (5) 1-Hour class series students will not only learn the basic swing, but also core fundaments including rules etiquette, scoring and course management.  To have them become a confident and ethical golfer.

Rules and Etiquette for Juniors

This class will cover basic rules etiquette and common courtesies of the game in a slow and easy way for juniors to learn.

Class is FREE for anyone registered in one of our series of classes.  Bring a friend for only $5. All you need to do is register.  The class will be indoors, no clubs needed.

Girls High School Golf Clinic

3 ½ hour of class time. Get an advantage over your competition as this class is guaranteed to help you lower your score! Great class if you are trying to make your school team or just improve your game. Individuals $150, Team discounts available 3 or more. Class will cover putting, chipping, Rules and Etiquette, how to get ready for a match, how to practice properly and the mental game. Rule Book included with class. Call your teammates and Sign up Today!

Kids! Let's Get Moving Ages 3-5

This class involves getting kids ready for sports of all kinds including golf.

In this class we will be doing many different activities including running, jumping, skipping, catching and throwing.  We will also introduce the kids to different aspects of the golf games.  Our focus for this class is getting kids to start moving and developing these important skills not only for golf but for all sports and life in general.

This is a great class to take multiple times and when of age they can join our Snag program as we begin basic instruction in Golf while continuing active motion.

Parents, please click on the info link for more information.

©2024   Cherry Creek Golf Club

52000 Cherry Creek Drive, Shelby Township, MI 48316

Phone (586) 254-7700 

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